Each and every plant has a fascinating story. It is rarely just used for one particular purpose and it often associated with ancient traditions and legends. In this section, you will find a collection of plant stories, with detailed information about many different aspects of its significance, both, with regard to its habitat and ecological role, as well as their history, lore and their medicinal or mundane uses.
Plant Profiles
Plant Profile: Walnut
Walnut trees (Juglans regia) are acclimated foreigners in our northern latitudes. Their home is in the warm, and fertile regions of south-east Europe, northern Greece, northern Italy, and France, where they are widely cultivated.
Plant Profile: Corn (Zea Maize)
Plant Profile Corn, (Zea Maize), the ‘staff of life’ of the Americas, its history, mythology and uses, medicinal properties and recipes
Plant Profile: Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum)
Poppies come in almost every color. The flowers have an ephemeral appearance, quite otherworldly and mysterious.
Plant Profile: Rose History (1)
Everybody knows and loves the thorny, but beautiful rose, as a universal symbol of love, although we are mostly familiar with the cultivated varieties.
All about the Elder-tree – its myths, magic, and medicine
The Elder tree is the medicine cabinet of the country people. This much loved, bushy tree is a common sight throughout Britain, Europe, and North America.
Why Hawthorn is your heart’s best friend
Plant Profile: Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) When the Hawthorn dapples the hedgerows with its pinkish-white blossom, we know that spring is here to stay. Typically, Hawthorn starts to flower at the end of April or the beginning of May, which is why it is also...
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