Each and every plant has a fascinating story. It is rarely just used for one particular purpose and it often associated with ancient traditions and legends. In this section, you will find a collection of plant stories, with detailed information about many different aspects of its significance, both, with regard to its habitat and ecological role, as well as their history, lore and their medicinal or mundane uses.
Plant Profiles
Rosemary – Rosmarinus officinalis
Most of us know this woody, aromatic bush as a culinary herb, but in fact, Rosemary is so much more than that. It has some quite remarkable properties that are well worth remembering. As a kitchen herb, Rosemary is an old stand-by: Rosemary potatoes, Rosemary chicken,...
Plant Profile: St. John’s Wort
This plant profile of St. John’s Wort tells the stories, traditions, and medicinal uses of St John’s Wort.
Star of Bethlehem
The Star of Bethlehem is a small bulbous flower of the Lily family with many unusual features and interesting properties.
12 amazing superfood properties of Cacao
This article is about the amazing nutritional superfood benefits of Cacao and high Cacao content chocolate.
History of the Cocoa Tree- Theobroma cacao
This article is a short introduction to one of my favourite plants: Cocoa – Theobroma cacao, the food of the gods.
Frankincense (Boswellia sp.)
Frankincense is well-known as that stuff that is burnt in church. But what exactly is it, and where does it come from?

Cacao can do more – New Uses for an Old Crop
This article is about unknown uses of Theobroma cacao. This remarkable tree can offer even more than chocolate – as if that wasn’t enough.

12 amazing superfood properties of Cacao
This article is about the amazing nutritional superfood benefits of Cacao and high Cacao content chocolate.

History of the Cocoa Tree- Theobroma cacao
This article is a short introduction to one of my favourite plants: Cocoa – Theobroma cacao, the food of the gods.

Frankincense (Boswellia sp.)
Frankincense is well-known as that stuff that is burnt in church. But what exactly is it, and where does it come from?

Tree Profile: Yew (taxus baccata)
Few western European trees are as enigmatic as the Yew. Dark, brooding and sometimes eery, each Yew tree very much has its own personality.

The Cultural History of Grapes
There are at least 8000 cultivated varieties of grapes, most of which are grown in the Northern Hemisphere. Grapes are one of the most important agricultural crops in the world. But they have far more uses than ordinarily meet the palate.

Plant Profile: Moringa
The Moringa tree, though not well-known outside its native habitat, is a blessing, offering multiple gifts for the benefit of mankind.

Sugar Maple – A Sweet Miracle
Sugar Maple is an iconic tree of the northeastern parts of the US. Its display of bright orange and red fall foliage is world-famous.

Plant Profile: Walnut
Walnut trees (Juglans regia) are acclimated foreigners in our northern latitudes. Their home is in the warm, and fertile regions of south-east Europe, northern Greece, northern Italy, and France, where they are widely cultivated.

Foraging: Sweet Chestnuts (Castanea sativa)
Nothing quite conjures up the magical atmosphere of autumn as the warm, sweet scent of roasted chestnuts. It immediately invokes images of bonfires and harvest feasts.